Munich | Air Prishtina
Munich. Museums instead of Maß

Beer and sausage are not your taste? Then better quench your thirst for knowledge – here are some suggestions:  the Nymphenburg Castle, which includes several Museums, one of which is the Marstall Museum, that among others exhibits slides from the times of the principals and kings of Bavaria, as well as the Porcelain Museum with exhibits from the well-known history 200-year hand crafts from porcelain in Nymphenburg. Or if you are still strolling through the Botanical Garden, you will soon be able to discover plants and animals from all over the world, for which you would otherwise need to travel around the Globe. A time journey through the history of art from modernity to the Middle Ages is open to you in one of the Art Galleries. If you want to learn through practice then visit the German Museum of the Masterpieces of Natural Sciences and Technology.